Online Application

    Student's Information

    School Department*
    (American Department Starts from Grade 9)
    Proposed Starting Date* Gender*
    First Name* Middle Name/s*
    Date of Birth* Place of Birth*
    Nationality* Religion*
    Requested Year Group*

    Parents' Information

    Father's Information

    Surname* Age*
    First Name* Middle Name/s*
    Nationality* Religion*
    Mobile* Email*
    Home Tel. Office Tel
    High School* Major*
    Occupation* Company*

    Mother's Information

    Surname* Age*
    First Name* Middle Name/s*
    Nationality* Religion*
    Mobile* Email*
    Home Tel. Office Tel
    High School* Major*
    Occupation* Company*

    Emergency Contact Details

    (This should not be Parents’ Numbers.)

    Alternative Contact Number * Relationship*
    To be used if parents are unreachable. (this could be the mobile phone of your
    Nanny, uncle, neighbour etc.)

    Residence Location (In Egypt)*

    Parents' Marital Status

    Marital Status *
    If you are divorced, please state who is the guardian,
    and submit the custody papers of your child *

    Does parents live in two separate addresses? *
    Please indicate who should receive correspondence *
    Will both parents be living full-time in Egypt? *


    Number of brothers/sisters *
    Present School*
    Present School*
    Are you applying for more than one child?*

    Please ensure that you complete a form for each child.
    Did you apply before in Gems Academy Alexandria?*
    Please state the reason of not joining*


    Has your child ever been diagnosed with:
    Liver Disease? *
    Please mention the disease*
    Renal Disease? *
    Please mention the disease*
    Cardiac Disease? *
    Please mention the disease*

    NURSERY / SCHOOL HISTORY (Most recent nursery/school first)

    Has your child been to a school before? *
    Grade/Year Group *
    Type Of Curriculum *
    Location *
    Grade/Year Group *
    Type Of Curriculum *
    Location *
    Languages spoken at home*
    It is essential to provide your school reports at least for the previous 2 years (if applicable)

    Parent Declaration and Acknowledgement

    I declare the information given in this application form is complete and correct.

    I understand that providing false or misleading information or non-disclosure of relevant information may result in cancellation of the student’s enrolment.

    I acknowledge that GEMS Academy Alexandria rules and policies, as well as the fee structure, are subject to change due to external factors such as changes in the law, ministry regulations or guidance, or market conditions.